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‘Nobody does it like us,’ Black church conference attendee proclaims

RIDGECREST, N.C. (BP) – Finishing an event in Louisville, Ky., Belinda Wright thought it excellent to swing by the Black Church Leadership and Family Conference (BCLFC) in Ridgecrest, N.C., to relax and spend time with her sister Joyice Jones from Suffolk, Va.

Love on exhibit: annual meeting spark brings marriage in their 60s

FAIRFIELD, Ohio (BP) — The exhibit hall of the SBC Annual Meeting is known as a giver. Whether T-shirts, pens, buttons, books or other emblem-adorned knickknacks, people leave with more than when they arrived.

Black Church conference helps leaders ‘Thrive’

RIDGECREST, N.C. (BP) – The annual Black Church Leadership and Family Conference (BCLFC) resembles the churches it aims to serve – energetic worship and powerful sermons but still grappling with the effects of the pandemic.

ERLC urges DEA to retain marijuana’s classification as schedule I substance

NASHVILLE (BP) – The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is urging the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to retain marijuana’s classification as a schedule I substance under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA). Schedule I is the designation meant for the most dangerous substances.

Let the games begin! Southern Baptists ready for Olympics kick-off

PARIS (BP) – Right now, more than 10,000 athletes are gathering for the start of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. They are accompanied by coaches, spectators, vendors, journalists, media professionals and volunteers. It is estimated that 15 million visitors will pass through the French capital this summer, people from nearly every nation on earth, in one place, at one time.

Global Vision Trip to North Africa inspires church planters to reach neighbors, nations

TORONTO – Kesevan Balasingham knows firsthand that he doesn’t have to look far from his Toronto home to find a mission field. It’s because he was once part of the mission field.

Bible Study: What heaven knows about earth

Those who lose their memory no longer know who they are. Therefore, those beyond this life, whether in heaven or not, must maintain their memories of past things or cease to be who they were on earth.

Los equipos misioneros bautistas aprovechan los próximos Juegos Olímpicos para conectar y evangelizar en París

PARIS (BP) – Con la inauguración de los Juegos Olímpicos en París a finales de esta semana, los bautistas del sur ya han estado trabajando en la ciudad y sus alrededores, aprovechando el acontecimiento como puente para difundir el Evangelio.

Histórico púlpito sobrevive al incendio de First Dallas, se hacen esfuerzos para reunirse en el lugar este domingo

DALLAS (BP) – Un púlpito utilizado por gigantes bautistas del sur como George Truett y W.A. Criswell apareció carbonizado pero intacto tras sobrevivir un incendio que destruyó el histórico santuario de First Baptist Church durante el fin de semana.

El comité ejecutivo de la CELR publica una declaración sobre la confusión en el liderazgo

NASHVILLE (BP) - Los miembros del comité ejecutivo de la Comisión de Ética y Libertad Religiosa (ERLC, por sus siglas en inglés) reconocen que los eventos de las últimas 24 horas han traído confusión y frustración ya que comunicados de prensa contradictorios han tratado de aclarar que Brent Leatherwood todavía está al mando de la entidad de la CBS.