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Thoughts from Digital Babylon

Parents, our kids may not be physical captives in Babylon, but they are captives to whatever is captivating them. And that presents a serious challenge for discipleship.

When waiting on God is really hard

When I became a believer at age 13, my pastor told me to begin praying for my parents to become believers. I followed his direction, and I started praying that God would save my mom and dad.  These prayers would go on for 47 years.

How to joyfully memorize Scripture

The impact God’s Word will have on our lives depends on how deeply we are immersed in it. There is perhaps no greater way to experience that level of involvement with the Word of God than committing key verses and passages to memory.

Five reasons Millennial pastors are not moving to larger churches

They are the second largest generation in America’s history. At 74 million persons, they are only surpassed in size by the Boomer generation. Born between 1980 and 1997, they are shaping our businesses, our government, and our culture.

My mentor saved me from rookie mistakes

“Daniel, as part of your role at Gospelife Church, you’ll be meeting with Dave as your life mentor,” the executive pastor said. “Take the initiative to connect with him and aim to meet weekly or bi-weekly.”

9 ways to help those who are suffering

In the past month, what have you heard from those you love? Divorce, loneliness, layoffs, cancer, parenting struggles, disappointment, betrayal, conflict? Everyone we love will hurt and suffer. While we feel compassion, we often find ourselves at a loss for what to do.

10 ways to build ‘Word-based credibility’ in your church

Charles Spurgeon, one of my favorite writers, spoke often about the minister’s responsibility to guard himself, to “take heed, therefore, to yourselves first, that you be that which you persuade others to be.”* He pushed leaders to be people of integrity and credibility.

Why a pastor did not survive a difficult church: An interview

There are great rewards in the pastoral call. And there are times that there is great pain. In this article, I have asked a pastor to share his experiences in a difficult church, one where he eventually left under pressure. I wrote the interview verbatim while allowing the pastor to remain anonymous. 

Find the right Bible reading plan for your ministry

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — Year after year, one common New Year’s resolution among Christians is to spend more time—or even any time at all—in God’s Word. However, for many, it’s hard to know where to start.

The state of groups: trends and best practices for groups ministry

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — A church without discipleship is just a gathering. And groups ministry is key for making disciples in the local church.