
Jean Bihn

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Ariz. fire mobilizes local Southern Baptists

HEREFORD, Ariz. (BP)--While firefighters wage war against a southern Arizona wildfire, local Southern Baptists are ministering to each other and -- despite personal losses -- ministering anywhere they can in their communities.

Rodeo provides bronco bustin’ setting for evangelistic witness in Phoenix

CAVE CREEK, Ariz. (BP)--Men and women donned cowboy hats and boots to rope cattle, ride bucking broncos, wrestle steers and hear God's Word in a dusty rodeo arena the weekend of Nov. 10-12.

Cross-cultural Navajo pastorate is ‘full-circle’ answer to his

KAYENTA, Ariz. (BP)–The first time Rick and Debbie Bond saw Kayenta, they wondered who would want to live in such a remote little town on the Navajo Indian Reservation in northern Arizona. Thirteen years later, Rick Bond is pastor of First Baptist Church in Kayenta. “I am amazed at how God works it all out […]