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Businessman to give day’s profits to overseas missions

HARRODSBURG, Ky. (BP) — A central Kentucky businessman is doing his part to support international missions by giving a day’s worth of profits to spread the Gospel.

Robert Johnson, owner of Johnson Small Engine and Farm Supply in Harrodsburg and a member of nearby Salvisa Baptist Church, expects to generate at least $2,000 and possibly far more, depending on the volume of sales on May 6, the day designated for the initiative.

“I’m married; I’ve got two great kids; I’ve got a successful business; everything has been going great for me,” Johnson said. “God has really blessed me. At this point in my life, I’ve asked myself the question: ‘What am I going to do for Him?'”

The answer became clear, Johnson said, during a church service when Pastor Jonathan Jones challenged the congregation to do more for God.

Johnson, whose store generates nearly $1 million a year in sales and services, had been saddened by news that the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board was having financial difficulties and missionaries were leaving the field.

“I just really had a heartfelt desire to do something more,” Johnson said. “Why couldn’t we just take a day and devote it to foreign missions and donate all the profits for that day for that purpose.”

Jones said Johnson isn’t the kind of person who seeks attention, but that he decided to go public with his initiative in hopes of challenging other businessmen to do their part for international missions.

“He has a heart for missions,” Jones said of Johnson. “He wants to get the word out about the need to support the work of missionaries.”

Jones said he feels blessed to be serving in a church that, like Johnson, believes so strongly in giving through the Cooperative Program, the SBC’s giving channel for missions and ministry.

Records show Salvisa Baptist Church, a member of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, has given a total of more than $800,000 through CP to support the spread of the Gospel.

“Our church is all about loving our community, whether it’s the community next door or the community around the world,” Jones said.

Johnson said he hopes all Kentucky Baptists will accept his challenge to give.

“This is a challenge to all individuals who think they can’t make a difference,” he said. “Yes, you can. You can do it by taking small steps.”

    About the Author

  • Roger Alford/Kentucky Today

    Roger Alford is communications director for the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Kentucky Today is a news resource of the KBC. Contributed to by Tony Lynn who writes for the Baptist Beacon, newsjournal of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan.

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