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FIRST-PERSON: Unconventional thinking of a ‘Warrior Leader’

Editor’s note: Following is an excerpt from Bobby Welch’s new book, “You, The Warrior Leader.”

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (BP)–If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

The Warrior Leader is victorious in spiritual-war fighting and accomplishing the mission because he knows and practices a unique leadership focus. He does not perform leadership in the way most people define and envision leadership. Hence, to that degree, how the Warrior Leader thinks and leads is “unconventional.”

The most basic definition of leadership is “getting people to willingly do something.” This seems simple. But it has been observed that “leadership is like the Abominable Snowman, whose footprints are everywhere but it is nowhere to be seen.” Someone else added, “Leadership is the most observed and least understood phenomenon on earth.” … What really causes the difference in leadership is the path it follows after leaving its basic definition stage.

The following … is the Warrior Leader’s unique and uncommon leadership focus. It is what he will know in order to fulfill his mission-vision. Consider the following definition of Warrior Leadership leadership.

The Warrior Leader’s leadership is influencing people by:

— Providing purpose, direction and motivation to….

— Accomplishing the mission vision while….

— Caring for the people and….

— Expanding a force-multiplying army for the kingdom of God and winning lost souls.

You’ve read the definition. Now apply the following explanation of this approach to leadership:

Influence: Get people to do. Influence is the ability to get people to do what is needed. This is more than just communicating the need. Your leadership example is just as critical as your communication — often even more critical. Every day and everywhere you are communicating to people the purpose, direction, and motivation by your personal example.

Purpose: Give people a reason. Purpose gives your people a reason for them to do what is needed. Every person will not understand or agree with every purpose for every mission. This is why trust in the leader is essential to accomplishing the mission. People must be assured from experience and your example that you will care for them and you will stand with them. The more challenging and threatening the mission, the more valuable this trust is. Trust is a basic bonding agent for leaders and must be earned and should be protected. Trust is essential for people to fully embrace purpose.

Direction: Mission accomplished. Direction is the way the mission is to be accomplished. People want and need direction. Train them, challenge them, resource them, give them direction, and then turn them loose and let them perform the Great Mission.

Motivation: Give people the will. Motivation gives people the will to do whatever must be done to accomplish the Great Mission. When the people do well, the Warrior Leader should commend them privately and publicly. If they fall short of the goal, give them commendation and credit for what was achieved. Help them to learn from their experience; coach and encourage them on how to do better next time.

Accomplish: Achieve the mission. A special mission comes from our Commander-in-Chief, the Lord Jesus, our highest authority. He has assigned us the primary mission of accomplishing the Great Commission. That is the mission for the Warrior Leader.
Adapted from “You, The Warrior Leader” by Bobby Welch (Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2004). Used by permission.
“You, The Warrior Leader” is available online at www.lifewaystores.com and at Lifeway Christian Stores nationwide.

    About the Author

  • Bobby Welch